PM (process manager)


PM is available only for linux due to heavy usage of linux mechanisms. Go to the releases page to download the latest binary.

# download binary
# make binary executable
chmod +x pm_linux_amd64
# move binary to $PATH, here just local
mv pm_linux_amd64 pm

Systemd service

To enable running processes on system startup:

# soft link /usr/bin/pm binary to whenever it is installed
sudo ln -s ~/go/bin/pm /usr/bin/pm
# install systemd service, copy/paste output of following command
pm startup

After these commands, processes with startup: true config option will be started on system startup.


jsonnet configuration language is used. It is also fully compatible with plain JSON, so you can write JSON instead.

See example configuration file. Other examples can be found in tests directory.


Most fresh usage descriptions can be seen using pm <command> --help.

Run process

# run process using command
pm run go run main.go

# run processes from config file
pm run --config config.jsonnet

List processes

pm list

Start already added processes

pm start [ID/NAME/TAG]...

Stop processes

pm stop [ID/NAME/TAG]...

# e.g. stop all added processes (all processes has tag `all` by default)
pm stop all

Delete processes

When deleting process, they are first stopped, then removed from pm.

pm delete [ID/NAME/TAG]...

# e.g. delete all processes
pm delete all

Process state diagram

new process
process started
process died
autorestart/watch enabled?



pm consists of two parts:

  • cli client - requests server, launches/stops shim processes
  • shim - monitors and restarts processes, handle watches, signals and shutdowns

PM directory structure

pm uses directory $HOME/.pm to store data by default. PM_HOME environment variable can be used to change this. Layout is following:

├──config.json # pm config file
├──db/ # database tables
│   └──<ID> # process info
└──logs/ # processes logs
    ├──<ID>.stdout # stdout of process with id ID
    └──<ID>.stderr # stderr of process with id ID

Differences from pm2

  • pm is just a single binary, not dependent on nodejs and bunch of js scripts
  • jsonnet configuration language, back compatible with JSON and allows to thoroughly configure processes, e.g. separate environments without requiring corresponding mechanism in pm (others configuration languages might be added in future such as Procfile, HCL, etc.)
  • supports only linux now
  • I can fix problems/add features as I need, independent of whether they work or not in pm2 because I don't know js
  • fast and convenient (I hope so)
  • no specific integrations for js


On master branch:

git tag v1.2.3
git push --tags
goreleaser release --clean